Do you know that Stress has become a silent killer in your workplace and it is also almost unavoidable? You will be surprised to know that as per a research by Labor Force Survey, 1.54 crore working days lost to stress, depression, and anxiety in 2017-18. Every 50th working individual is suffering from chronic stress as per the report.

This stress will not only degrade your quality of life but will also impact you physically and socially too.
What is Stress?
Stress is the reaction of our body to threatening situations. During these conditions, our brain release “stress chemicals” to provoke a “fight or flight” reaction. It means either to fight the situation or to flee from it. In today’s lifestyle, we rarely encounter such a threatening situation, but still, our brain behaves in the same manner when we are under pressure.

The pressure is due to daily routine activities whether it is picking up the kids from school, or meeting the project deadline, our brain is still under pressure. And when you are unable to bear the pressure, you feel stressed. Limited stress can even boost up your performance, but if you constantly feel stressed in even normal or in very small tasks then this is a matter of concern.
Stress can deteriorate your physical well-being, mental health along with your career, and professional development too. How? Let’s know in detail…
1. Physical well-being:
It must be surprising for you to know how a mental problem can affect your physical health. When you are under a stressful condition, your heart races, your breath quickens, and the muscles get ready for action. This response is good for certain situations, but if the stress response keeps firing regularly, then this can affect your health.
- Headaches: Stress can trigger and intensify tension headaches
- Heart Problems:An increased heart rate, and high B.P damage your arteries, which can lead to several heart problems.
- Stress cause the liver to release extra sugar into the bloodstream, which increases the chance of Type-2 diabetes.
- Insomnia:Stress makes harder to fall asleep, or stay asleep which can lead to insomnia.
- Sexual Problems:Stress cause fatigue can take a toll on libido and affect your sexual life.
2. Mental Problems:

As stress is a brain problem, it comes to several mental problems too. The symptoms can be mild or chronic too.
- Memory Problems:Unable to remember small things in everyday life.
- Inability to concentrate:Difficulty in concentrating on work-related tasks or subjects in studies.
- Worrying constantly:Always worrying or over-thinking about negative outcomes.
- Anxiety and Agitation:Constantly anxious and get irritated over small things.
- Depression:If not treated then stress, can ultimately lead to the depression which is a more chronic problem.
3.Behavioural Problems:

There are many behavioural issues linked with stress which contribute to your physical health as well as social and work-related problems.
- Eating more or less: You will affect your diet and can get weak or obese.
- Sleeping too much or too little:There will be changes on your sleeping pattern too.
- Less socialization:You will tend to withdraw yourself from others.
- Procrastination:Neglecting responsibilities and continuously delaying tasks.
- Nervous Habits:Nail biting, shaking your leg, pacing, and others.
What if left untreated?
If left untreated then stress can exacerbate many serious health problems and also your life. It can contribute to heart diseases and may even cause a heart attack, stroke and sudden cardiac death. Many people who are unaware of this problem often try many harmful coping mechanisms for stress such as:
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Smoking
- Illicit drug use
- Gambling
- Self-harm
These activities are not only harmful to you but will also affect your loved ones.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder:
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental problem arise due to terrific event either by experiencing or witnessing it. The common symptoms are flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. The symptoms cause significant problems in social or work situations and in relationships. The symptoms are divided into 4 groups: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions.
Avoid Medicines without consulting doctor:
In stress, people suffer from headache, insomnia and others. So they start taking sleeping pills, headaches medicines and other medications. This can give you for that moment but these medicines can easily become an addiction and can lead to more stressful events. You must consult your doctor first before taking these.
What is the best way of treating stress?
The majority of doctors and health professionals suggest going for counselling and psychotherapies for stress treatment. In these therapies, talking with a professional who is professionally trained in these diseases will help you in understanding the underlying issues causing you stress.
What happens in stress counselling sessions?

Initially, the counsellor will talk to you so that you can openly tell about your life, how you become stressed, what symptoms you are facing. The counsellor will try to figure out what situations make you stressful and will provide you with the way to deal with it. There will be certain therapies include in the sessions.
Behavioural Therapy:
There are many different types of behavioural therapy. CBT or Cognitive-Behavioral therapy is one of the most beneficial ways to deal with stress. In this therapy, the counsellor will teach you to recognize and change negative thought patterns. You will also learn new ways to improve dealing with negative reactions.
Alternative Therapies:
Along with the traditional methods of therapies, the counsellor will also suggest many different activities to alleviate stress such as yoga, exercise, acupuncture, massage, meditation, and certain games. He can also suggest some tricks that you can use when you face intense feelings of stress or pressure.